In addition, they also serve as pilots and gunners of the Combine Hunter-Choppers. Overwatch Soldiers are humans that have undergone extensive cybernetic modifications including brain and chest surgery, and implantation of various mechanical devices in the their whole bodies to the point of being enhanced cyborgs.
This procedure is carried out at Nova Prospekt and the Citadel. There is also a noticeable hole in the soldier's neck, implying that the vocal cords are being removed and replaced by a vocoder to communicate with others. It is theorized that Overwatch Soldiers were high Civil Protection units who have shown excellent performance and have been chosen for Transmutation. It is also theorized that past military units who surrendered or captured were transformed into Overwatch Soldiers. When not in combat, Overwatch Soldiers are cold and unemotional. They do not speak unless using their radio and when they do, they speak with mandatory vocabulary and report status.
Unlike Civil Protection, they do not stutter or falter when speaking.